HEAR Mulhouse
This is a research project that lasted from September to December 2018. It started with a conversation between Daphnée Gharaee and I, about peripheral spaces, the pest, the purity of space, and whiteness in the white cube. At one point we wrote on a cimaise, the moveable walls used in gallery spaces. This action generated lively reactions, and from that moment forward, I continued to use this moveable wall piece to explore gestures of power, relationships of domination in bodies and words, and how these dynamics play out in the shared spaces of my school. This research at the arts school in Mulhouse tied into research I was doing at the same time on war crimes committed in the 90s in ex- Yugoslavia. The cimaise as a pest was articulated with women’s testimonies of rape during the war in Bosnia, as well as my own narratives which recount my relationship to ex-Yugoslavia.